Every woman looks for her Mr Prince Charming to appear right out of a fairy-tale or a vampire series but may be she can look for one with a twist;a little bit of Mr Grey will only spice things up,but just a little bit.He’s very much a love-him-or-hate-him kind of guy and there are plenty […]


Oh hey Bae !

You learn a lot of things as a kid that go on to inform your adult decisions. Disney movies made up a large portion of my childhood education and it taught me one of the most important lessons that is: when all else fails, resort to rampant idealism. Disney didn’t always give us the most […]

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The only singleton left!

You don’t know when or how it happened. But one day, you wake up and realize that you are the last one. That’s it. It’s just you all alone. Slowly but surely, your closest friends have dropped out, one after the other, like an epidemic, until you became the last single girl of the group! […]

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